Syed Shafqat Hussain Gillani


Abid Hussain Mughal

Secretary General

President’s Message 

My Dear Regional Journalists,

We all are representative of one community. Undoubtedly, we all face numerous challenges and hardships while performing our duties on individual level both in terms of social security as well as personal safety. We all consciously need to be united and well-connected to launch a genuine and kinetic struggle to establish the honor and dignity of our noble profession of journalism. To alleviate our common sufferings and achieving our long desired rightful objectives, we all are duty bound to put up a collective, cohesive and comprehensive effort in this regard. In pursuit of these fundamental rights, every regional journalist free from any personal bias is professionally obligated to Join the platform offered by Regional union if journalists (RUJ), Pakistan and play a dynamic role in this just struggle for the attainment of long denied rights of regional journalistic community. Before joining this historical struggle, we all have to be mindful, well-coordinated and well prepared that we will have to bear and withstand enormous difficulties, critical situations and unpleasant encounters , especially with the high officials of the law enforcement agencies and people occupying positions of power but if we are able to demonstrate steadfast loyalty, courage, deep sense of responsibility and indomitable resolve to our great cause, we shall win.